Carpets warm and add comfort to a home but also collect dirt, dust, pet hair, and bacteria. Regular cleaning helps prevent dirt and grit from damaging carpet fibers.
While professional hot water extraction cleaning is the best method for removing deep-seated dirt, you can do some basic steps at home to keep your carpets clean. Visit to learn more.

Vacuuming carpets 1-2 times a week removes top surface dirt, which reduces matting, wear and tear, and keeps the color fresh. It also helps maintain healthy air quality by sucking up dust, allergens and other microscopic particles. Vacuuming can also be used to remove stains.
Before vacuuming, move objects like toys or chairs out of the way. This allows the vacuum to reach all corners and crevices without damaging the carpeting. It is important to use the right setting for your specific carpeting. Carpets with a textured appearance are better cleaned with a brush or agitating head, while cut pile carpets can be cleaned using a vacuum with suction only or a hose/wand.
When vacuuming, move slowly, allowing the vacuum to suck up the debris hanging between the carpet fibers. Moving too quickly prevents the device from being able to collect the full amount of debris and could even cause the fibers to be crushed. Make sure to empty the vacuum bag or replace it regularly and clean or change filters and brushes as needed.
Dirt, dust and other materials build up in rugs and carpets, leading to matting, abrasion, odor and even deterioration of the underlying material. Frequent vacuuming helps maintain your investment in carpets and rugs by extending their lifespan. It also improves your indoor environment by reducing airborne allergens such as dust mites, pollen, and pet dander, which can be particularly irritating for people with allergies or asthma. It also reduces odors caused by mold, mildew, tobacco smoke and cigarette residues. It is also important to vacuum carpets regularly in areas where people are most active, such as hallways, foyers and mudrooms.
Baking soda is an inexpensive natural product that can be used to clean and deodorize carpet. It’s safe for kids and pets, and will not discolor carpet fibers. You can use baking soda alone or in conjunction with vinegar, another natural cleaning hero, to help remove many types of stains and smells from your carpets.
Grease-based stains, such as those from pizza, mayonnaise and oily food spills, are often stubborn and can require more than one treatment. To tackle them, liberally sprinkle the affected area with dry baking soda. Next, blot up any solids with a paper towel, being careful not to rub, as this pushes the grease deeper into the fibers. Allow the baking soda to sit for a few hours or overnight for more stubborn stains. Finally, vacuum the area to remove the remaining baking soda and the stain.
Non-greasy stains, such as those from coffee, tea, wine and ink are usually easier to get up than grease stains. First, blot the affected area with a paper towel to lift away any solids and prevent further staining. Liberally sprinkle the spot with baking soda and then spritz it with a water-vinegar solution, following the directions on the bottle. Allow to sit for about three hours and then vacuum the area to remove the baking soda and the underlying stain.
Baking soda is an excellent deodorizer for carpets and can be used on a regular basis to keep your whole house smelling fresh. It absorbs odors rather than masking them, and is much safer than some of the commercial deodorizers that can contain harsh chemicals. It’s also a great choice for pet odors, as it won’t irritate your dogs or cats.
For the more stubborn carpet stains, you can use household ammonia to get rid of them. Before using it, however, you must make sure that your carpet is safe for such a high-alkaline solution. To do this, test it on an inconspicuous area of the carpet and let it dry completely. This will help you avoid any unwanted results. You should also avoid scrubbing the stain since doing so can cause it to spread and penetrate deeper into the fibers.
It is important to vacuum the carpet first to remove any big debris and dirt particles. Once this is done, you can start to apply the solution. You can use a sponge mop or an old rag to do this, but you should be careful to avoid getting too much of the solution on the carpet. A little goes a long way, so it is best to apply the solution in small circles over the stain.
Ammonia is a highly effective cleaning agent that can remove a wide range of stains, including blood, vomit, and food. However, it is important to remember that this substance can produce toxic fumes when applied to the carpet. Therefore, it is important to open windows and doors while applying this cleaner to allow fresh air to circulate.
In addition to removing stains, ammonia can also be used to deodorize your carpet. It works by releasing an odor that mimics the odor of urine. This can make pets think that the carpet is a suitable place for them to do their business. For this reason, you should not use ammonia on pet-friendly carpets. Instead, try an enzyme-based cleaner or hydrogen peroxide.
Vinegar is an inexpensive, natural cleaner that can be used to remove stains and bad smells from your carpet. Its acetic acid can dissolve many types of substances, including organic and inorganic materials such as urea, salt, protein, dyes, and fatty acids. It also acts as a disinfectant and can kill bacteria, including salmonella, E Coli, and some flu germs. It is safe for use on most carpets and rugs, although it can discolor certain types of wool or natural fiber carpets.
Before using vinegar, move any furniture away from the affected area and vacuum the carpet thoroughly. This will remove any loose dirt or other debris that may make the stain worse once it comes into contact with water.
Next, mix equal parts of water and vinegar in a spray bottle and apply to the stained area. Allow the solution to soak into the stain, then blot with a clean white cloth. Repeat as needed until the stain is removed. Be sure to use the cloth to blot, not rub, as this could spread or transfer the stain. Then, blot the carpet dry with a clean towel.
If you have a particularly stubborn greasy stain on your carpet, try combining baking soda with vinegar to create a paste. The acetic acid in the vinegar will break down greasy substances, and the baking soda will absorb the grease and other toxins. This mixture should be left on the stain overnight or for a few days to let it completely work its magic. After the paste is removed, the carpet should be cleaned with a water-vinegar solution as described above. This will help remove any residue and leave the carpet looking as good as new.
Aside from being a great at-home grooming product, shaving cream can also serve as a convenient and effective carpet cleaning hack. It isn’t as messy as a lot of commercial products or professional services and doesn’t introduce harsh chemicals into your home. The ingredients found in traditional shaving cream, like surfactants, can actually be beneficial for the soaking and removal of water-soluble stains from your carpets.
Using this cleaning method is fairly simple; first, use napkins or paper towels to blot up as much of the stain as possible. Then, apply shaving cream to the stain and let it sit for around 30 minutes. This allows the foam to penetrate deep into the carpet fibers, where it can break down and remove the stain. After the waiting period, simply blot the shaving cream (and the stain) away with a clean white cloth. Be sure to use only white shaving cream, as menthol or colored varieties may cause discoloration of the carpet (Lifehacker).
While this method won’t work for all types of stains and doesn’t address various smells like pet pee, it is still a useful strategy to have in your back pocket if you’re stuck with a stubborn stain. Plus, the process is simple and inexpensive, so it’s a great way to save some money while keeping your carpet looking fresh.